Barcode Enterprises offers an array of in-house service plans designed to integrate with your needs. Our typical turnaround time is 3-5 business days and all estimates are provided free of charge.
- Flat Rate – Many of our customers choose our two tiered flat rate plan, where they are given a major and minor flat rate price depending on the model number. When the unit arrives it is evaluated and the level of repair needed is determined.
- Time and Materials – Customers with heavily damaged units or specific repairs choose this plan. The scanner is evaluated and estimated for all parts and labor needed.
- Annual Maintenance Contract –We offer 1 to 5 year service agreements on many different models. Customers are billed on a one time annual basis and the plan covers all parts and return shipping with the exception of heavy abuse. The customer returns any broken hardware covered under the agreement and it is repaired and returned immediately. By eliminating all of the pesky estimates, invoices, and purchase orders, this plan reduces downtime by a minimum of 50%.
There are many factors that go into the pricing of our service plans. Every client is different and plans should be customized to offer our customers the most competitive rates.
Contact a representative today and see how Barcode Enterprises can work for you!